System Status

Welcome to the Endicia System Status page, our home for real-time information on service alerts. If there are any interruptions in service, a note will be posted here.

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Issues Printing Postage
Incident Report for Endicia Statuspage
Endicia Engineers have fixed the postage printing issue. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience. If you are still having issues, please contact us.
Posted Jul 26, 2023 - 08:14 PDT
Endicia Engineers have identified an issue that may temporarily affect some of our customers' ability to print postage and shipping labels. We are working to quickly resolve this issue and will provide an update when it is available. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Posted Jul 26, 2023 - 06:19 PDT
This incident affected: Endicia Online (Printing postage using a Web Browser), Endicia Downloadable (Print postage using our Windows application), Endicia DAZzle (Print postage with downloadable software for the PC), and Endicia API (Endicia Label Server).